Bill Clinton, Y2K, Albert Gore, JFK
Smith and Wesson, Senior Citizens, Survivor TV Show
Bill Clinton- US President
Y2K- people thought that the computers weren't going to be able to work from 1999 to 2000
Albert Gore Junior- Vice President
JFK- an explorer found what is believed to be JFK's PT-109(patrol boat from WWII)
Smith and Wesson Agreement- reduced gun violence in America
Senior Citizens- property tax relief
Survivor TV Show- came to TV
Fidel Castro, Youtube Live, Terrorists, Maroon 5
Barack Obama, Shenzhou 7, Yankee Stadium
Fidel Castro- retires as the President of Cuba after about 50 years
Youtube Live- hosts the longest ever live broadcast
Terrorists- attack in Mumbai, India
Maroon 5- released their album: "Call and Response"
Barack Obama- becomes the first African-American to be President
Shenzhou 7- launched by China
Yankee Stadium- final home game was against the Baltimore Orioles

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