1994 and 1995
Forest Gump, Bill Clinton, Boris Yeltsin, Lion King,
La earthquakes, O. J. Simpson, Charlie Brown
European Union, Japanese earthquake, NHL Strike,
Computer Hacking, 13th Amendment, Mexican Loan
Forest Gump- Famous Film won golden globes
Bill Clinton- US president
Boris Yeltsin- Russian President
Lion King- Famous Disney Pixar animated film
LA earthquakes- 6.7 magnitude North Ridge quake
OJ Simpson- Arrested for murder acquitted later
Charlie Brown- Animated TV show
European Union- France joined the union
Japanese Earthquakes- 7.2 magnitude destroys Kobe, Japan
NHL Strike- The NHL players went on strike
Computer Hacking- Kevin Mitnick is arrested for hacking the government
13th Amendment- Mississippi is the last to ratify the amendment abolishing slavery
Mexican Loan- Bill Clinton loans Mexico $20 million
LA Earthquake
It is interesting how only one person Kevin Mitnick could hack the U.S. government.