Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sean Ziegler and Patrick Hertzog 2000 and 2008

Dereck Jeter
Bill Clinton
LSD Bust
Multics machine
Space Shuttle
Tiger Woods
Al Gore

President Obama
Apology for slavery
Northern Illinois shooting
Fidel Castro
Same sex marriage
Hurricane Ike
Philadelphia Phillies
Queen Elizabeth

Dereck Jeter- Won the 2000 World Series MVP
Bill Clinton- Became President of America
LSD Bust- A military missile in Kansas was busted being used as an LSD Lab
Multics Machine- The last one was shutdown in 2000
Space Shuttle- The 100th Space Voyage was sent up into space 2000
Tiger Woods- Won the PGA Championship in 2000
Al Gore-Tried to become President but was beat by Bill Clinton

President Obama- 44th President of the United States
Apology for Slavery- New Jersey was the first North Eastern state to apologize for slavery
Northern Illinois- A shooting in Northern Illinois University killed 43 students
Fidel Castro- He retired as the President of Cuba
Same Sex Marriage- California became the 2nd state to legalize gay marriage
Hurricane Ike- Swept up the Eastern coast putting the whole east coast out of power and cleaning up damage
Phillies- Won the 2008 World Series of baseball
Queen Elizabeth- Sailed around the world for the final time


  1. I like the 2008 events. I remember watching the World Series.

  2. i enjoy the apology for slavery in 08

  3. you spelled Derek wrong.
